The Paradox Journey

Paradox Coaching is my unconventional and taboo approach to shadow “work,” no dark night of the soul required.

I created my coaching method after years of moving myself and clients through their Shadow Work.

After years of talk therapy, years of shadow work, years of positive affirmations and mantras and talking to myself about all my negative self-talk, and years of trying and making progress but always feeling like I wasn’t quite getting what shadow work was supposed to do or really even be about, I decided to take a different approach.

This approach of pleasure and integration of the untapped potential of your subconscious asks only that you be curious about what power you could open up to if you took radical responsibility in your life.

All of those approaches were painful, they needed me to silence the voices in my head (or at the very least lovingly cajole them into being kinder to me), and they required I deny the reality of my world.

I’d love to guide you through your self-exploration and discovery of how capable you already are at creating what you didn’t realize you wanted.

See how you can create more of what you do want in your life by harnessing the power and pleasure of everything you don’t want.

I knew something had to be different if I was going to get a different result.

I embarked on my Paradox Process before it ever had a name, before it ever had structure, and I let it unfold as I unfolded with it.

Clients have continued to trust me to guide them for nearly 5 years through their most powerful moments of transformation into the life they have always dreamed of.

The Paradox Process is the most distilled path through “Shadow Work.” It is an exercise in the Curiosity of Potential. If you remain curious through this process, you could create the life you’ve always wanted. All we have to do is take a look at the life you have and begin harnessing all of the untapped power, energy, and pleasure in everything you wish to change about your life.


  • Subconscious Exploration

    explore who you are beneath the surface of who you’ve always known yourself to be

  • Curiosity Discovery

    discover the secret, taboo curiosity and desire you never knew you had that keeps you stuck in the same old patterns and learn to harness the pleasure they are creating in your life

  • Power Liberation

    peel back layers of fear, shame, guilt, and rejection of the ways you’ve learned to fulfill your curiosities and discover the sensations of power that learning to embody and approve of your curiosity can bring

  • Healing Integration

    integrate your taboo curiosities and desires, lose interest in the fears that keep you stuck, and harness the power you’ve had all along to create the Self you always hoped you could be


Have questions or just want to chat to see what Paradox Coaching can do for you? Book a FREE Exploration Call with me!